Minion Christmas Party 2018
Steve chowing down
Chasity attacking Steve. Wait Steve attacking Chasity while protecting his hotdogs.
Cheyenne. What just cheese? Gross
Photography class joining in on the party
Chasity and Brandi. Share the love girls!
Aja, Robbie, Annie, Steve, and Victoria
Jesse kissing Bob
No one eating. WHAT????
Finally, FOOD!!!
Steve, Aaleyah, Cheyenne, Annie
Stephen? or Steve? photobombing Dylan and Alyssah
Brandi, Steve or Stephen, Annie, Aaleyah, Cheyenne, and "Linda"
Linda becomes human
Steve posing with Bob
Aaleyah and "Linda" posing with Bob
Cheyenne glitching with Bob
Rafe on his chromebook even during a party
All full of food and can't move.
Steve, Jesse, robbie, Cheyenne, Brandi, Aaleyah, Dylan, Alyssah, Aja, Paige, Victoria
Rafe, Annie, Brandi, Steve
"Move Steve"
Time for presents
More presents
opening presents. Steve wearing a cow on his head
Paige, Victoria, Aaleyah holding "Alex"
Dylan waiting to see his gift
Dylan blown away
Victoria, Aaleyah, Paige, Bob and Alex
Aja eating ice cream.....
Steve's masterpiece
Aja tortures Bob with ice cream
Look Rafe isn't playing games on his Chromebook
Victoria and Paige. Victoria having a sugar rush. Paige not caring
Everyone having a sugar rush
Bob being tortured again
Aja and Josh
Shayla scarring Bob
Josh pre-sugar rush
Aja said "I'm queen of gift giving"